As a member of the NASA/DART team, SIOSlab graduate student Colby Merrill contributed to work that was recently published in Nature Communications! The two articles focus on the morphology and evolution of ejecta created by the DART impact and how
We Found the Dynamical Age of Selam
Selam (pictured below) is the strange secondary of the Dinkinesh binary asteroid system in the main-belt. Using the secular theory based on binary-Yarkovsky-O’Keefe-Radzievskii-Paddack (BYORP) and tides, we were able to constrain the age of this asteroid to 1-10 million years.
JOSA A paper published
“Image plane wavefront sensing and Kalman filtering for automated alignment of off-axis aspherics” by Duan Li and Dmitry Savransky has been published in the Journal of the Optical Society of America A and is available here. The paper presents an automated alignment
JGCD Paper Published
“Higher-Order Unscented Estimator” by Zvonimir Stojanovski and Dmitry Savransky has been published in the Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics. It is available here (open access). This paper introduces HOUSE, a new extension of the unscented Kalman (UKF) filter with
ApJL Paper Published
Our latest paper, Keithly & Savransky, “The Solar System as an Exosystem: Planet Confusion“, is now published in the Astrophysical Journal Letters. This work explores the idea of what we can learn about observing other planetary systems by thinking about
JATIS Paper Published
Our newest paper: Keithly, Savransky, and Spohn, “Integration Time Adjusted Completeness” is now available as open access in the Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems. This paper updates the concept of completeness—the probability of detecting an exoplanet from some
Astronomical Journal Paper Published
Congratulations to Carlos Gascón (visiting student from Polytechnic University of Catalonia in 2019) on the publication of his paper: “Analytic Stability Maps of Unknown Exoplanet Companions for Imaging Prioritization” in the Astronomical Journal. This paper explores the idea of looking
New Paper in The Astronomical Journal
Our new paper entitled “Detecting Planets from Direct-imaging Observations Using Common Spatial Pattern Filtering” has been published in The Astronomical Journal. It can be found here.
JGCD Paper Published
Our new paper, titled “Parameterizing the Search Space of Starshade Fuel Costs for Optimal Observation Scheduling” has been published in the Journal of Guidance, Control & Dynamics. The paper can be accessed here.
PASP Paper Published
Our new paper titled “Planet occurrence rate density models including stellar effective temperature” has been published in PASP. The paper can be accessed through DOI.