At a recent group meeting, we discussed how to compile the Python/OpenBLAS/Numpy toolchain from scratch (and why you might wish to do such a thing). See the recording, below, and the associated notes here:
Research Trip to NRC HAA
As a member of the GPI2.0 CAL2 team, Duan Li visited the NRC Herzberg Astronomy and Astrophysics Research Centre (HAA) last week. She worked with William Thompson and Christian Marois, and conducted wavefront sensing and control experiments (e.g. speckle nulling) on SPIDERS (Subaru Pathfinder Instrument for Detecting Exoplanets & Retrieving Spectra).
SIOSlab is Part of the CPP!
NASA recently announced the selections for the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope Research and Support Participation Opportunities, including the membership of the Coronagraph Community Participation Program (CPP). SIOSlab personnel will work alongside six other research groups (as well as the broader community) for the next three years in support of the Roman Coronagraph Instrument. The full announcement is available here.
Congratulations to Dr. Spohn!
On July 12th, Corey Spohn successfully defended his B exam, completing the requirements for his PhD program. You can see a recording of his talk below.
JOSA A paper published
“Image plane wavefront sensing and Kalman filtering for automated alignment of off-axis aspherics” by Duan Li and Dmitry Savransky has been published in the Journal of the Optical Society of America A and is available here. The paper presents an automated alignment technique on a double off-axis parabolic mirror system, with high accuracy and robustness to uncertainties.
Congratulations to Grace Genszler on Being Named a 2023 Amelia Earhart Fellow
Grace Genszler has been named as one of the 2023 Amelia Earhart Fellows by Zonta International. Amelia Earhart fellowships are granted to those who have achieved an outstanding academic record and demonstrated initiative, ambition and commitment to pursuing a career in aerospace engineering and space sciences. The press release of the announcement is available here.
Congratulations to Dr. Stojanovski!
On April 19th, 2023, Zvonimir Stojanovski successfully defended his B exam, completing the requirements for the PhD program. You can see a recording of his talk below.
I recently gave a talk on EXOSIMS at the first ever Exoplanet Modeling and Analysis Center Workshop.
SIOS Lab at the American Astronomical Society Winter Meeting
Four members attended the 241st AAS Meeting in Seattle, Washington this year. Corey Sphon gave a dissertation talk. Zvonimir Stojanovski also gave an oral presentation. Duan Li and Grace Genszler presented posters.
Congratulations to Kaitlyn Summey on Completing her MS Degree!
On August 30th, 2022, Kaitlyn Summey successfully defended her MS thesis in Aerospace Engineering. You can view her talk below, and a copy of her slides here. Congratulations to Kaitlyn!